Jaw Surgery


Jaw Surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery

20 Years Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth usually begin to take their place in the mouth between the ages of 15-20. However, in cases where there is not enough space for these teeth in the jaws, they cannot erupt and remain buried under the gingiva or in the jawbone. The wisdom teeth, which cannot find a place for themselves, push the front tooth, and this causes crowding. In addition, since they are too far behind and the surrounding gingiva is not in a normal anatomical structure, they can easily rot and abscess can occur.

Conditions Requiring Extraction of 20-Year-Old Teeth

a) Caries; Since wisdom teeth are far behind in position and generally cannot move in the right direction, they are more difficult to clean and maintain, and therefore they are easier to decay. After these teeth decay, they are difficult to treat because they are too far behind. In addition, root canal treatment cannot be applied in most cases due to root canal structures that are much different from other teeth.

b) Effects on Second Molars; Since wisdom teeth usually cannot grow in a proper position, they can cause material loss and cavities in the adjacent teeth with the accumulation of food residues around them or the pressure they apply to the adjacent molar tooth. In this way, wisdom teeth that have the potential to harm should also be extracted.

c) Pericoronitis; (Environmental gingival inflammation) In cases where wisdom teeth remain partially impacted, an infection may develop due to bacteria accumulating between the gingiva and the overlying gingiva. In the meantime, conditions such as swelling of the face, difficulty in opening the mouth, pain, bad breath, swelling in the lymph nodes and fever may occur.

ç) Crowded Teeth; When wisdom teeth cannot erupt in their normal position, it may cause mobility in other teeth due to the pressure applied to the teeth during eruption, and conditions such as crooked teeth may be encountered.

d) Pain; When wisdom teeth cannot erupt in their normal positions, they can cause pain with the pressure they apply to the side teeth.

e) Cyst Formation; In cases where wisdom teeth are fully or partially impacted, they may cause cyst formation in some patients. This condition can be diagnosed with a panoramic x-ray that your doctor will take during the examination.

f) Cheek Biting; Although it is not very common, wisdom teeth can not last in the normal position, and they may cause cheek biting and mucosal injury complaints in patients. In such cases, it is appropriate to remove the wisdom teeth as they do not function normally.

Apical Resection (Resection of Root Tip)

Apical resection, root tip resection; It is the process of removing the root tip of the tooth and the associated infected or pathological tissue around it. This process; It is performed to restore a healthy structure to the tooth and its surroundings in case of root canal treatment or repetition of root canal treatment of inflammation and infection at the root tip or if there is a related chronic pathology.

Before the apical resection, which is an operation that can take 30-90 minutes depending on the tooth to be applied, antimicrobial mouthwashes, anti-inflammatory and/or antibiotics may be used with the recommendation of the doctor.


The gingiva is cut and removed from the area in order to reach the bone and root tip of the tooth to be treated. The exposed root tip is cut and all infected surrounding tissues are cleaned.

The end of the root canal is blocked. The gingiva is placed in place and sutured.

After a few months, the bone around the root heals and all symptoms disappear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Health in Globe has been in the healthcare industry since 2000. It has been serving successfully and has performed thousands of successful operations.

Turkey is among the countries that provide the best healthcare services in the world today with its significant investments in the field of health in the last 20 years. In the Hospitals section, you can see the locations where we perform your treatments.

From the airport, we welcome you and our assistants who speak the same language as you will be managing the whole process for you.

We know how difficult the treatment process abroad is. We are with you to improve this process and to get a better quality and economical service. We offer a comprehensive package treatment service so that you can easily meet all your costs and expenses for your treatments. You can benefit from the packages we have prepared for you for your accommodation, treatment expenses, medicines, airport pick-up and transfer, patient host and language interpretations. Plastic Surgery and Hair Transplant Turkey Packages We have a health package that will cover all your expenses, including medical compression garments, for your plastic surgery procedures. You can also benefit from our other services such as accommodation and patient host. Hair restoration packages for your hair transplantation procedures are offered as all-inclusive (hotel accommodation, medications, airport pick-up and transfers, patient host and language interpretation). We have prepared for you our extensive package services such as PRP and mesotherapy with our FUE, implanter pen hair transplantation, painless anesthetic hair transplantation and DHI hair transplantation methods.







Memorial Hospital






Since 2000, it has been successfully serving the health sector and has performed thousands of successful operations.

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