Tratamiento de FIV


Tratamiento de FIV

¿Qué es la FIV? ¿Cómo se realiza el tratamiento de FIV?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) or in other words, the process of combining reproductive cells in a laboratory environment, applied to people who cannot have children naturally. In vitro fertilization treatment, one of the assisted reproductive treatment methods, begins with the collection of eggs from the expectant mother and the collection of sperm cells from the father-to-be. After fertilization in the laboratory environment, the resulting embryo is placed in the uterus of the expectant mother. After this point, the pregnancy continues as a naturally acquired pregnancy. IVF treatment is done in two different ways. One of them is defined as classical IVF treatment and in this method, egg and sperm are left in the same environment and natural fertilization is expected to occur. The second method is microinjection application. In this form of treatment, the sperm is injected directly into the egg cell. Although both treatment methods are applied successfully, the physician decides which method will be applied according to the health status and reproductive abilities of the spouses. The aim of IVF treatment is to create a healthy pregnancy.

¿Qué es la FIV?

It is recommended that couples have health check-ups if they cannot achieve pregnancy despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for 1 year. If the expectant mother is older than 35, the waiting period is 6 months. In order to achieve pregnancy naturally, the hormonal system and many different organs must work together and in harmony with each other, as well as the female reproductive system. First of all, the hypothalamus region in the brain stimulates the pituitary gland, which is also located in the brain. The pituitary gland secretes the hormones LH and FSH. Hormones reaching the ovaries through the circulatory system stimulate the egg follicles in the ovarian reserve. Thus, some of the eggs enter the maturation process. With the cracking of the most healthy egg, the egg is thrown into the fallopian tubes, which is a kind of channel between the ovary and the uterus. The lifespan of the egg to be fertilized here is about 24 hours. However, sperm, which is a male reproductive cell, can survive in the female body for 4-5 days. Therefore, in case of sexual intercourse before ovulation or on the day of ovulation, fertilization can occur.


During this process, the follicle in which the egg is located secretes estrogen, causing the uterine wall to thicken. After the egg is fertilized, it comes to the uterus and pregnancy begins when the embryo attaches to the thickened uterine wall. During this whole process, different reproductive problems may occur in men or women. In this case, the couple may consider the option of in vitro fertilization, which is one of the assisted reproductive treatment methods, after the examinations and tests. In IVF treatment, eggs collected from the expectant mother and sperm cells taken from the father-to-be are fertilized in the laboratory environment, and then the resulting embryo is placed in the uterus of the mother-to-be by embryo transfer method. The Beta HCG level of the expectant mother is checked with a blood test performed approximately 2 weeks later. If the test result shows that the pregnancy has been successfully achieved, the pregnancy process begins. Pregnancies provided by IVF treatment are no different from pregnancies obtained naturally. The pregnancy process continues in its normal course.


¿Cómo se realiza la FIV? ¿Cuáles son los requisitos?

La fecundación in vitro se puede definir como el proceso de colocación en el útero del embrión más sano, que se obtiene como resultado de la fecundación de los óvulos recogidos de la futura madre con el esperma del futuro padre en el entorno del laboratorio. Antes de iniciar el tratamiento de FIV, se evalúa la capacidad reproductiva tanto del hombre como de la mujer. A continuación, se inicia la terapia hormonal para que los óvulos de la futura madre entren en proceso de maduración. Después, se realiza una punción para que los óvulos se liberen de sus folículos. En el proceso de recogida de óvulos, se recogen los óvulos en maduración de la futura madre con la ayuda de una ecografía transvaginal. Mientras tanto, se extraen los espermatozoides del futuro padre. La fecundación se consigue con células reproductoras reunidas en un entorno de laboratorio. El más sano de los embriones, o en otras palabras, el mejor de la fecundación in vitro, se transfiere al útero de la futura madre bajo guía ecográfica. Tras este proceso, la pareja es enviada a casa aproximadamente media hora después. En algunos casos, es necesario transferir más de un embrión al útero. En estos casos, puede producirse un embarazo múltiple. Aunque el tratamiento de FIV se puede aplicar a una persona a cualquier edad antes de la menopausia, no hay que olvidar que la posibilidad de embarazo disminuye después de los 40 años. No hay un límite máximo en el número de aplicaciones. En el tratamiento de FIV, las mujeres menores de 35 años deben haber tenido relaciones sexuales sin protección y de forma regular durante 1 año y las personas mayores de 35 años no deben haber podido lograr el embarazo. Una de las preguntas más frecuentes es "¿Cómo se produce la FIV?" está en el formulario.

Etapas de la FIV: ¿Cómo se produce la FIV?

Estimulación de los óvulos

Recogiendo los huevos

Recuperación de espermatozoides


Transferencia de embriones

Preguntas Frecuentes

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