Cancer Treatment


What is Cancer Treatment and How Is It Performed?

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment methods are commonly used in cancer. Hormone therapies, biological treatment methods and targeted therapies are also preferred depending on the patient’s condition and the surgeon’s guidance. These treatment methods are applied alone or together.

First-line treatment is applied to the patient. Then adjuvant treatment (chemotherapy) is applied. Neoadjuvant treatment (initial treatment) is applied to the patient before the first step. Hormonotherapy is one of the neoadjuvant treatment methods. Clinical studies and tests are applied for cancer treatment. Cancer treatment is managed by medical oncology specialists. It requires a multiple treatment period.

The most important stage in the treatment is the stage where the goals are determined before the treatment, the treatment process and the positive and negative effects of the treatment are determined.


Chemotherapy is a treatment method using anti-cancer drugs to destroy cancer cells or to control the growth of these cells. Chemotherapy can be applied alone or in combination with surgery and radiotherapy in cancer treatment.

How is chemotherapy given to the patient?

1. By mouth (oral)

2. Intravenous (intravenous). This is the most common way of administering chemotherapy drugs.

3. By injection: Injection given directly into the vein or into the tumour (intralesional).

4. On the skin (topical)

Where can chemotherapy be administered?

Chemotherapy drugs can be administered at home, in hospitals or special chemotherapy centres. The specialist surgeon decides where the treatment will be administered according to the patient’s condition and the preferences of the patient and his/her doctor. Chemotherapy can be administered as outpatient or inpatient.

Does the patient feel pain while receiving chemotherapy?

The patient does not feel pain during chemotherapy. However, sometimes the chemotherapy drug may leak out of the vein from the area where the needle is inserted. Complaints such as pain, redness, burning and swelling may occur in this area. During chemotherapy, the patient may feel pain depending on the way chemotherapy is given to the patient and the severity of the patient’s health condition.

What are the possible side effects of chemotherapy?

Possible side effects of chemotherapy vary according to the drugs taken and personal sensitivities.

The Most Common Possible Side Effects of Chemotherapy:

– Fatigue

– Nausea and Vomiting

– Dizziness

– Hair Loss

– Low Blood Values

– Mouth and skin sores

– Diarrhoea and Constipation

– Diseases and wounds that may occur in skin and nails

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy, or radiotherapy as it is more commonly known, is performed by radiation technicians under the control and supervision of specialist physicians and physical engineers. Ionising radiation is used in radiotherapy. It is preferred to destroy cancerous cells and shrink the tumour. Radiotherapy is applied to the patient externally (external) and internally (internal). External radiation is given externally with the help of a machine. In internal radiotherapy, the radioactive material is placed in the body for a certain period of time. In systemic radiotherapy, the radioactive substance is given to the patient intravenously or orally in the form of pills.

Hormonal therapy

Hormonal therapy is used to treat breast cancer, prostate cancer and cancers of the reproductive system by changing the amount of hormones in the body.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the removal of cancerous tissue from the body by surgical methods.

Complementary or Alternative Medicine

Complementary medicine is used in combination with conventional treatment methods. Alternative medicine includes unproven treatments and products. Alternative treatment methods can help cancer treatment, but should not be used alone instead of conventional treatment methods.

Palliative treatment

It is preferred as supportive treatment. Treatment of pain and other symptoms related to cancer or treatment,

It is preferred for the elimination of the person’s psychological needs and concerns and for the follow-up of the psychological process.

Biological Treatment

Also known as immunotherapy, it activates the body’s defence mechanisms against cancer. Special biological therapies such as monoclonal antibodies and vaccines are used.


Staging is the identification of where the cancer is located, where it has spread or whether it has affected other organs in the body.

Frequently Asked Questions

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