Implant Treatments


Implant Treatments

What is Implant Dental Treatment?

The implant used in the treatment of missing teeth contains titanium screws placed in the jawbone. There are various implant screws made of titanium or zirconium. Titanium screws are preferred because they are compatible with the human body and are not harmful to health. Dental prostheses made of materials such as porcelain and zircon are placed on the screws placed in the jawbone. The implant acts like a natural tooth root, you can easily perform your daily actions such as eating.

Is Anesthesia Used in Implant Application?

While a titanium screw is placed instead of the missing tooth, the tooth is anesthetized using local anesthesia. Since there is no sensation in the numbed area, no pain is felt during the procedure.

Are There Any Health Problems After Implant Procedure?

Titanium and zirconium-based screws used in implant dental treatment are materials that are compatible with the human body. Confidence and permanence are the most important factors in treatment. Titanium and zirconium do not threaten human health and provide long-term dental treatment support.

What is the Implant Dental Treatment Procedure?

We offer personalized implant dental treatment with our specialist dentists in our state-of-the-art clinics in Turkey. The patient and the dentist continue their treatment in healthy communication by keeping in constant contact during, before, and after the consultation.

For implant treatment, a comprehensive oral and dental examination is performed first. Bone structure and health are analyzed with X-ray and 3D imaging devices. If there is a decrease in bone density due to some reasons (age, nutrition, etc.), bone grafting is done before the implant application. Bone grafting is the technique of providing ossification of the region where the bone density is not suitable for the implant. For bone grafting, the patient has a recovery period of several months.

How is the Implant Done?

Dental implant treatment in Turkey takes place in several different stages. First, an incision is made in the gum and the bone is reached through this incision. A titanium or zirconium implant is placed in this tooth area. If the bone does not require an additional procedure, the implant is placed in a short time and the prosthesis tissue is placed on it. If bone grafting is required, the implant is placed after the patient’s bones are brought to appropriate conditions.

For the prosthetic tissue to be placed on the implant, the patient’s mouth dimensions, jaw and tooth structure, and color preference are determined in advance. Prosthetic teeth are tried on the patient before they reach the final stage. After the necessary improvements are made, prosthetic veneers are attached to the implant with the screwing method or a different method in line with the patient’s preference and the doctor’s recommendation.

How Should Implant Teeth Care?

Cleaning and maintenance of the prosthesis is quite simple. When necessary care is taken, teeth and gums are protected for a long time. For the continuity of the aesthetic tooth appearance, the care and cleaning of the implant tooth should not be interrupted.

Nothing should be consumed for the first 2 hours after implant treatment.

Extremely hot or extremely cold foods should be avoided for the first 3 days.

Natural teeth and implant teeth should be brushed regularly.

Dental floss should be used.

Care should be taken to gargle.

Acidic foods and drinks should be avoided.

Excessive consumption of coffee, tea, cigarettes, and alcohol should be avoided.

Hard interventions and excessive pressure on the teeth should be avoided.

Dental cleaning should be done by dentists every 6 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Since 2000, it has been successfully serving the health sector and has performed thousands of successful operations.

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